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The most comprehensive and interactive digital content.
Product name Version Last Update Level/Release Notes Click to Download
Grade 1-3 Lower Primary for Windows 6.4.4 01/08/2023 Grade 1-3. - 1. Updated English & Kiswahili content with new User Interface 2.Fix App closes after launch. 3.Fix App id check on launch 4.Retrieve forgot name. 5.Fix registration display on tablets. 6.Fix Auto Resizing. 7.Side menu with strand and substrand listing. 8.Notification feature within the App. 9.Faster installation. (2.7 GB)
Grade 4 Upper Primary for Windows 3.4.2 04/10/2023 Grade 4. - 1.Fix App closes after launch 2.Split App 3.Updated interactive content 4.Fix registration display on tablets. 5.Side menu with strand and substrand listing. 6.Notification feature within the App. 7.Faster installation. (865 MB)
Grade 5 Upper Primary for Windows 3.4.4 23/05/2023 1.Fix App closes after launch 2.Offline installer update 3.Updated interactive content 4.Fix registration display on tablets. 5.Side menu with strand and sub strand listing. 6.Notification feature within the App. 7.Faster installation. (3.6 GB)
Grade 6 Math, Languages & Integrated Science 1.3.2 01/06/2023 1.Fix App closes after launch 2.Split App 3. New interactive content 4. Notification within the App 5. Faster Installation. (2.5 GB)
Grade 6 Creative Arts & Social Studies 1.3.2 01/06/2023 1.Fix App closes after launch 2.Split App 3. New interactive content 4. Notification within the App 5. Faster Installation. (2.6 GB)
Digital Reference Library (11-13 Yrs.) 5.5.5 25/05/2023 1.Fix App closes after launch 2.Improved progress & performance reports 3.Includes revision base. 4.Side menu with topic and subtopic listing. 5.Notification feature within the App. 6.Faster installation. (698 MB)
Digital Reference Library (12-14 Yrs.) 5.2.4 25/05/2023 1.Fix App closes after launch 2.Improved progress & performance reports 3.Includes revision base. 4.Side menu with topic and subtopic listing. 5.Notification feature within the App. 6.Faster installation. (777 MB)
Digital Reference Library (13-15 Yrs.) 5.5.4 25/05/2023 1.Fix App closes after launch 2.Improved progress & performance reports 3.Includes revision base. 4.Side menu with topic and subtopic listing. 5.Notification feature within the App. 6.Faster installation. (1.1 GB)